Glass half Empty: Finding Peace in the God of Overflowing Grace

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Excerpts from the book

  • Suffering has become a strange gift that continues to remind me that I'm weak, that life spent in the pits of addiction, debauchery, and searching for pleasure to numb our pains reveal the vanity of created things.

  • Sometimes I long for the shell of the former me, the healthy me, and want nothing more than for things to be without pain.

  • If Christ best displays his perfect love and infinite strength for the church through a broken bride, then it ought to come as no surprise that through our own marriage he’s doing the same thing with us.

  • Don't believe the lie that God is unapproachable. He tells us to come boldly to his throne of grace and promises we will find strength and comfort for our time of need.

  • Sometimes, reflecting on the past work of God’s sustaining power in our most trying times is the way God propels us forward to face whatever new obstacle lies ahead.

  • Suffering, it seems, has the power to either break relational bonds or bond broken relationships.

“They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream by night.”

Edgar Allan Poe

Writing is one of the ways I unleash my emotions. Beauty can still be created in the midst of hard things. Joy is possible right where you are.



